The Hub, Birmingham
Both outline and full applications were submitted by Quod for major commercial developments, bringing forward some 75,000 sqm of commercial floorspace at The Hub, Birmingham. A flexible permission was secured for industrial, logistic and distribution floorspace covering Use Classes B1, B2 and B8.
Quod utilised its ongoing close and professional relationship with senior officers at Birmingham City Council to bring forward the key employment developments, as well as the new wholesale market building, in one of the city’s six identified ‘Economic Zones’ with the potential to create some 1,000 jobs.
The Hub is going from strength to strength as it continues to attract a number of nationwide manufacturing companies as it reaches full occupancy. Quod’s role is ongoing, advising the client and modifying the existing permission to ensure The Hub meets the needs of the market and it’s tenants.
For any further information or enquiries please contact Adam Cornish or Tim Rainbird.