Planning permission secured for redevelopment of Bow Common Gas Works
Quod is delighted to have secured a resolution to grant last week for the residential-led mixed use redevelopment of Bow Common Gas Works in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. We are proud to have worked alongside St William Homes, to help them with unlocking this technically complex regeneration site in central London.
This outline (hybrid) planning application will allow the current redundant and closed off site to be transformed into a high quality development providing up to 1,450 new homes, 35% of which will be affordable, supporting commercial uses, a new sixth form centre and 1 ha of new open space in the form of a new common. The proposed buildings extend up to 16 storeys in height and have been designed to reflect the gas works heritage of this site, framing the new central common which will deliver new high quality open space and significant biodiversity benefits.
For more information on this development please contact Rebecca Burnhams or Ben Ford.