Planning application submitted for new garden settlement – Otterpool Park
Quod are pleased to confirm that they have submitted an outline planning application for a new garden settlement at Otterpool Park, Kent. The application is submitted on behalf of Cozumel Estates Ltd in association with Folkestone and Hythe District Council (FHDC), as Cozumel Estates Ltd and FHDC are joint promoters of Otterpool Park.
It is proposed that the new garden settlement will comprise up to 8,500 homes along with retail, commercial, education, health, community uses and associated infrastructure. While retaining approximately 50% of the environment at Otterpool Park as green space, this ambitious proposal will not only house a significant new residential community, it will also create outstanding community infrastructure, new business space, and many natural green spaces as well as sports and leisure facilities.
Quod have been working with the design team to develop the proposals and have held extensive pre-application discussions with the local planning authority and other key stakeholders. Quod have also promoted the allocation of the new settlement through various stages of the emerging Local Plan. Quod will continue to advise the applicant during the determination period of the application and through the examination process of the emerging Local Plan.
For further information please contact Tom Vernon or Poppy Carmody-Morgan.