3.8 million sq ft North Quay scheme submitted
On behalf of Canary Wharf Group, Quod has submitted an outline planning application to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets for a major mixed-use development at North Quay. Adjacent to the Canary Wharf Crossrail Station, North Quay is the largest undeveloped site remaining at Canary Wharf.
The proposed development comprises 3.8 million sq ft of floorspace across a range of uses including business, residential, hotel/serviced apartments, student housing, retail and leisure. A variety of building types are proposed, up to 65 storeys in height. New public realm in the form of streets and squares will be at the heart of the scheme creating connections between Canary Wharf and South Poplar. Previously inaccessible dockside will be opened up to provide a 250-metre-long waterside promenade.
A flexible outline planning permission is sought to facilitate a range of development configurations coming forward at Reserved Matters Application stage. This will enable the scheme to rapidly respond to market demands. For example, between 1.6 and 2.5 million sq ft of business space is proposed to give the flexibility to reduce the amount of office floorspace if there was insufficient demand. This floorspace could in turn be replaced by an alternative use.
The preparation of the planning application coincided with the Covid-19 lockdown and the large design and consultant team quickly embraced remote working and video conferencing in order to finalise the proposals. This included virtual pre-application meetings with the Council and Greater London Authority.
Quod led on all planning and socio-economic aspects of the planning application.
For any enquiries on this project, please contact Matthew Sherwood.