Success at LLDC Planning Committee – Stratford City
On 26th April 2017, Quod gained unanimous support from the London Legacy Development Corporation’s (LLDC) Planning Committee for a major commercial development at Stratford City (on behalf of Stratford City Business District Limited, a joint venture between Lend Lease and LCR) on what is known as the International Quarter London (IQL).
There were various applications in total that comprised around 370,000 sqft of commercial floorspace.
The applications ranged from the detailed design of the building, substructure and infrastructure works. Securing consent for further commercial development at IQL is particularly significant because it is hoped to build on the momentum created by the construction of the first two buildings for which we secured consent in 2015 and establish Stratford as one of London’s new office destinations. Rogers Stirk Harbour and Partners (RSHP) and Hyland Edgar Driver (HED) were architect and landscape architect respectively.
Please see further details here or contact Steffan Rees.
Image reproduced with thanks to RSHP