We act for a range of clients which include developers, landowners, financial institutions and occupiers, including DHL, GLP (formerly Gazeley), Grosvenor, BlackRock, LaSalle Investment Management, Barwood Capital, M7 Real Estate, TJ Morris Limited, Valor Real Estate Partners, Graftongate, Travis Perkins plc, Big Yellow, Kier Property, Next plc, IM Properties plc, Henry Boot, Bericote, Aviva Investors and Equation Properties, amongst many others.
The industrial and logistics sector has grown to be recognised as a crucial part of our UK economy with the growth of e-commerce and advancements in technology creating significant demand for warehouse infrastructure. Occupier requirements are ever changing and often conflict with local planning policies, resulting in a complex planning stage for such developments.
Quod has delivered consents for industrial and logistics developments in the most challenging of planning policy areas, including in the Green Belt and in countryside locations. Our track record includes the delivery of planning consents in the Green Belt for 8m sq ft campus style development, and single units over 42 metres in height.
Quod’s approach is to undertake a thorough evidence-based assessment from the outset, enabling us to provide robust advice to clients of the prospects for achieving deliverable consents to meet their requirements. Our clients appreciate our honest, early advice and if there is a good planning case to be made, Quod will recommend the most appropriate strategy to secure consent(s).
For more complex projects, Quod has expertise in co-ordinatingEnvironmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)and assessing the economic and labour market effects of logistics infrastructure.
Wherever possible, we engage with local authorities and stakeholders at an early stage to understand their planning priorities and competing land use needs. We focus on providing solutions to both local authorities and our clients to secure commercially viable and deliverable planning consents. Strategies may involve submitting evidence to influence the planning policy context, or strategic employment land allocations to aid in delivering the best consents for our clients.
For further details on Quod’s Industrial and Logistics expertise, please contactAngie Fenton,Tim RainbirdorJames Guthrie.